Posts Tagged ‘geodesic’

Cache-Control and AJAX

Cache-Control and AJAX

Here's some free advice: don't forget the cache-control tags on any server-side AJAX page. I was doing some Geodesic Solutions customization today. Anyone who has dealt with Geo will tell you it's the biggest pain to customize, and that anyone who mentions Geo and best-practices in the same breath must be joking. Basically, the only way to customize it is through a series of patches, or by reworking the Geo class files (which will be overwritten in any upgrade). Geo doesn't allow any mysql calls within the templates (I suppose it's a good security measure), and since I didn't need to do too much database work, I decided to do all the database stuff with AJAX. So far so good. Basically, I was trying to populate a select box with a bunch of options, and I found out that IE … Read more…

Auction and Shopping Cart Customizations

I’ve been doing tons of auction software customizations. The software is Geodesic Solutions and the code is really bandaged and thick with tables nested within tables. The work isn’t too bad though, since I’m doing pretty different things with each site, and I’m also getting pretty nice at it now. Before I could only really attack the HTML side of it, but now I’m in the PHP like crazy.I’ve also been doing a lot of customization of ZenCart shopping cart software. This is mainly reskinning it, which is just replacing the header/footer and then doing a lot of CSS work on the content portion.